Kampi Components was honored to be one of a select assemblage of OEMs, OEs, and dealer/distributors, extended an invite to participate in the “Captains of Industry” event held at DLA headquarters, Fort Belvoir, VA on February 12th 2014.
The event was hosted by DLA Director, Vice Admiral Mark Harnitchek. In addition to Kampi Components, defense contractors such as Eaton, General Dynamics/Electric Boat, Raytheon, and Rockwell Collins were in attendance. The round table discussion was structured to reflect on FY2013 and determine which programs are working and which need some improvement, while looking ahead to FY2014.
Quality Assurance Manager Mr. John Carroll and National sales Manager Mr. Mitch Blackman represented Kampi Components and were pleased to report the meeting was a huge success in terms of establishing the direction the DLA is focusing on for 2014 and beyond.